Archives for 12 November 2009

Is Pakistan’s Internal War Spinning Out of Control?

Pak 'Is Pakistan’s Internal War Spinning Out of Control?', Tehelka, 12 November 2009

EXCERPT: "The latest series of blasts from October 10 to October 28 were no different from many others except for the fact that they were targeted at students and civilians ... When I left the apartment for a five-minute drive to the supermarket, the roads were deserted. However, the drive took a good 45 minutes. Islamabad, the capital, is now a...

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Clandestine Abortions Threaten the Health of Millions

Pak 'Clandestine Abortions Threaten the Health of Millions', IRIN News, 12 November 2009

EXCERPT: "People living along the busy Temple Road in Lahore, the capital of the eastern Punjab Province, are accustomed to some unusual sights ... The street in Lahore is home to a dozen or more illegal 'abortion clinics', known as 'Safia clinics'. Run in most cases by midwives, the clinics are visited by a large number of women...

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Report: At Least 22,000 Killed This Year

Pak 'Pakistan Sees 22,000 Killed This Year', Press TV, 12 November 2009

EXCERPT: "According to a late Wednesday report, in the past six years, since Islamabad joined Washington in the so-called war on terror, 7,004 civilians and 2,637 security officials lost their lives, while 12,487 terrorists were killed in security forces' retaliatory assaults, a Press TV correspondent reported. In 2003, 189 people, including 140 civilians,...

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Gilgit-Baltistan: Disputed Northern Areas Go to Polls

Pak 'Pakistan's Disputed Northern Areas Go to Polls', Reuters, 12 November 2009

EXCERPT: "Voters in Pakistan's mountainous far north went to the polls on Thursday to elect an assembly for their district as part of an autonomy package that has angered old rival India. Pakistan's Northern Areas have never officially been part of the country, instead they have been a part of the Pakistani-controlled portion of the disputed Kashmir region since shortly...

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The US Strategy in Afghanistan: Impacts upon US Interests in Pakistan

Uspak 'Testimony of C. Christine Fair before the United States House of Representatives, Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations: The US Strategy in Afghanistan: Impacts upon US Interests in Pakistan', United States House of Representatives // Armed Services Committee // Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, 5 November 2009

EXCERPT: "After many years of viewing the Afghanistan and Pakistan theatres...

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