Pakistan's 2001 Decentralization: An Assessment
22 November 2010
[pdf], Netherlands Institute for International Relations "Clingendael" // Conflict Research Unit, 19 November 2010
EXCERPT: "Decentralization (or devolution) has been for decades a familiar mantra in international development circles. Where citizens - and the donor community - were faced with dysfunctional state institutions, the reasoning went,...
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Former French PM Backs Corruption Claims against Sarkozy
22 November 2010
, The Independent, 22 November 2010
EXCERPT: "A full-blown state scandal, involving President Nicolas Sarkozy and other senior figures, threatens to explode this week over 'Karachigate', the allegation that political corruption and revenge-taking in France led to the murder of 11 French submarine engineers in Pakistan in 2002. The former prime minister, Dominique de...
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Lack of Pashtun Representation Blamed for Karachi Violence: Report
22 November 2010
, The New York Times, 18 November 2010
EXCERPT: "This chaotic city of 18 million people on the shores of the Arabian Sea has never shrunk from violence. But this year, Karachi has outdone even itself. [...] The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan recently reported that more than 1,350 people had been killed in Karachi in targeted political killings so far this year, more than the number killed...
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Pakistan Rejects US Request for Expanded Drone Operations Area
22 November 2010
, The Washington Post, 20 November 2010
EXCERPT: "The United States has renewed pressure on Pakistan to expand the areas where CIA drones can operate inside the country, reflecting concern that the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan is being undermined by insurgents' continued ability to take sanctuary across the border, U.S. and Pakistani officials said. The U.S. appeal...
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