Archives for 28 January 2010

NATO Afghan Convoy Attacked in Karachi

Af-pak-flagRare Afghanistan Convoy Attack in Normally Safe Pakistan City, The Christian Science Monitor, 28 January 2010

EXCERPT: "A NATO convoy came under assault Thursday while carrying supplies through Pakistan to Afghanistan in a rare ambush inside Karachi, the relatively secure port city from which 300 to 400 of the coalition's trucks leave each day. Any assault on the Pakistani supply route is worrisome to the US-led forces in Afghanistan,...

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Testimony of Steve Coll Before the the House Armed Services Committee: The Paradoxes of Al-Qaeda

Af-pak-flag House Testimony: The Paradoxes of Al Qaeda by Steve Coll, The New Yorker, 27 January 2010

EXCERPT: "[...] In a political-military sense, Al Qaeda's greatest potential today probably lies in the violence and ambitions pursued by regional actors in its network. Whether it is correct to call these regional groups Al Qaeda-linked varies from case to case and is in any event difficult to assess confidently from the open source record... In the...

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Pak Seeks Role as Mediator in Afghan Taliban Talks

, The Washington Post, 28 January 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan, which once sponsored Taliban forces but turned against them under American pressure in 2001, now hopes to play a role as a broker in proposed negotiations among Taliban leaders and the Afghan government, with support from the United States. As leaders of 60 countries meet in London on Thursday to discuss...

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Conflict Induced Displacement: The Pandits of Kashmir

India-pakistan-flag Conflict Induced Displacement: The Pandits of Kashmir, African Centre for for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes // Conflict Trends via the Human Security Gateway, Issue #4 2009

EXCERPT: "Displacement is one of the stark realities of the Kashmir conflict. It remains dwarfed by the attention that the conflict itself has drawn. About 10 categories of internally displaced people can be identified. These people have been uprooted...

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Militants Try to Cash in on Farmer's Water Woes

Pakistan-flag Militants Try to Cash in on Pakistani Farmer's Water Woes, The National, 27 January 2010

"The decrease in irrigation water to the Roohi desert region ? a place that since 1988 has been a recruiting ground for militant groups fighting Indian rule in Kashmir ? was first noticed by residents five years ago. 'There was ample water until 2005 ? more than enough to grow our crops. Then, suddenly, the number of days that water was available...

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