Archives for 14 May 2010

Pakistan Inequality Fuelling Taliban Support

Swat-valley-pakistanPakistan Inequality Fuelling Taliban Support [video+article], BBC News, 13 May 2010

EXCERPT: "[...] Before the conflict Swat's lack of economic development was part of its charm. But poverty and lack of infrastructure, combined with the failure of the Pakistani government to provide education or an adequate justice system, were key ingredients which led some Pakistanis to wonder if the Taliban could do better. In the town of Mardan...

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Humanitarian Access Still a Challenge: Experts

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg Pakistan's Humanitarian Crisis: One Year On, AlertNet, 14 May 2010

EXCERPT: "One year after Pakistan witnessed its worst internal displacement crisis since its creation in 1947, the government and humanitarian agencies are still struggling to respond to the needs of over 3 million people affected by an on-going military offensive against Taliban insurgents. Mike Young, Regional Director, Asia & Caucasus, International Rescue...

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North Waziristan Options Limited Ahead of Kandahar Offensive


Pakistan Faces the Perils of Anti-Taliban Offensive, TIME, 12 May 2010

EXCERPT: "The idea that the Pakistani military is doing nothing in North Waziristan, the only one of seven areas comprising Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Agencies (FATA) that hasn't been subjected to a full-blown offensive, is misleading. There are currently 70,000 troops deployed across the FATA, 15,000 of them in North Waziristan, where they're...

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Kashmir Violence Surges as Militants Regroup in Pakistan

Kashmir Militants "Regrouping" in Pakistan, BBC News, 14 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Militants in Pakistani-administered Kashmir have regrouped on the Pakistani side of the divided territory, local politicians have told the BBC. From 1988, militants aided by Pakistan's security forces waged a guerrilla war in the disputed region. But their activities were curtailed during the rule of President Pervez Musharraf from 2001 to 2008. Officials...

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New Surveillance System to Improve AfPak Border Security

Aerial_system New Aerial System to Improve Border Security, US Embassy Islamabad, 14 May 2010

EXCERPT: "To improve border security and support the regional security operations of Coalition forces in Afghanistan, the Government of Afghanistan will soon install a new security system near the Spin Boldak border crossing in Kandahar province. [...] The Persistent Surveillance System (PSS), which consists of an unarmed aerostat (a 'blimp') with...

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