Archives for 29 November 2010

Pakistan Offers $120,000 Reward for Information on Taliban Militants

Pakistan-flag Pakistan Offers Big Reward for Taliban Informers, Reuters, 27 November 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan on Saturday offered a reward for information about Taliban militants involved in planning or carrying out attacks, and promised to resettle informers in Pakistan or abroad. Authorities said on Friday they had thwarted a plot to attack parliament and a mosque in Islamabad and arrested two would-be suicide bombers. 'We will give 10 million...

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US Mounted Secret Effort to Remove Pakistan's Enriched Uranium: WikiLeaks

US-pakistan-flag Wikileaks Report Stokes Anti-US Hardliners in Pakistan, The Christian Science Monitor, 29 November 2010

EXCERPT: "Long derided in liberal Pakistani circles as a fanciful conspiracy theory, the notion that the US has designs on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal will likely gain traction here following a report that the US has mounted a secret effort to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani reactor since 2007. The report, based on...

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N. Waziristan Tribesman Seeks Compensation from CIA over Drone Deaths

, AFP, 29 November 2010

EXCERPT: "A Pakistani tribesman is seeking 500 million dollars in compensation from the CIA after his son and brother were killed in America's covert drone war against Al-Qaeda, his lawyer said Monday. Kareem Khan from North Waziristan, the district on the Afghan border where the US campaign has stepped up in recent months, said his house was hit by...

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Diplaced Pakistanis Worry about Planned Return to South Waziristan

South-waziristan Displaced Pakistanis Prepare for Risky Return to South Waziristan, Los Angeles Times, 28 November 2010

EXCERPT: "Officials say the military has secured the area after an offensive against the Pakistani Taliban. But recent attacks heighten concerns and underscore the fact that the militants were dispersed, not wiped out. After a year spent without work and queuing for handouts, families who sought refuge here from an offensive against...

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