Last updated: 14 February 2011
This page lists key blogs covering security and conflict issues in Pakistan. The descriptions used are, as much as possible, those posted on the blogs by the bloggers/editors themselves. We are continuously updating this list. Please let us know of additional resources or corrections.
, Foreign Policy
A blog by the Foreign Policy magazine, edited by Peter Bergen, a print and television journalist, a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation and Co-Director of the Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative, along with Katherine Tiedemann, a policy analyst in the Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative.
All Things Counter-terrorism
A blog published by Leah Farrall, "a former senior Counter Terrorism Intelligence Analyst with the Australian Federal Police and the organization’s al Qaeda subject matter expert."
At War, The New York Times
At War is "a reported blog from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other areas of conflict in the post-9/11 era."
CHUP! - Changing Up Pakistan
The CHUP! blog aims "to raise awareness on the issues impacting Pakistan". Blogs editor, Kalsoom Lakhani, "grew up in Islamabad, Pakistan, and received a Bachelors degree in Foreign Affairs and Middle East Studies from the University of Virginia and a Masters degree in International Affairs/Conflict Resolution from the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs".
Circling the Lion's Den is a blog by Nick Fielding, a former senior reporter for the Sunday Times and before that for the Mail on Sunday. He is the author of Masterminds of Terror (together with Yosri Fouda), and Defending the Realm: MI5 and the War on Terrorism (with Mark Hollingsworth). Mostly focused on Afghanistan with occasional posts on Pakistan.
Counterterrorism Blog
"A unique, multi-expert blog dedicated to providing a one-stop gateway to the counterterrorism community, aimed at policymakers in the US Congress and the Executive Branch, as well as serious students elsewhere". Occasional posts on terrorist activities in Pakistan.
Danger Room, Wired Magazine
A blog providing a unique perspective, tying together military technology, strategy and policy issues. Occasional posts on Pakistan.
" is the most comprehensive and professional project of the Pakistan Armed Forces. The project is supported by an organization of independent defence & military professionals to cover the issues of Pakistan military accurately, but not limited to its institutions, and to promote defence capability and defence industry of Pakistan."
Ghosts of Alexander
A blog by Christian Bleuer a PhD student at The Australian National University’s Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies (The Middle East and Central Asia). Mostly focuses on Afghanistan, with occasional material on Pakistan.
"Jihadica is a clearinghouse for materials related to militant, transnational Sunni Islamism, commonly known as Jihadism." Its founder William McCants, PhD (Princeton) is also the co-founder of Insight Collaborative, a DC-based company that provides education and expertise on Islamism. Jihadica staff include several members from Norwegian Defence Research Establishment.
Kings of War
Kings of War is intended "for various faculty and research students of the Department of War Studies, King's College London to post their thoughts, random and otherwise, about war and the world." Occasional posts on Pakistan.
The Long War Journal and the Threat Matrix
The Long War Journal is "dedicated to providing original and accurate reporting and analysis of the Long War (also known as the Global War on Terror). This is accomplished through its programs of embedded reporters, news and news aggregation, maps, podcasts, and other multimedia formats." Frequent posts on Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan.
, Foreign Policy Blog
A part of the Foreign Policy Blogs selection, "the largest network of global affairs blogs online", run by the Foreign Policy Association. The Pakistan blog is edited by Bilal Qureshi, whose writings have appeared in The New Yorker and Vanity Fair, and Zainab Jeewanjee.
Pakistan: Now or Never?, Reuters
A blog by Reuters staff writers, covering current topics in Pakistan.
Pakistan Policy Blog
Pakistan Policy Blog provides a "regular, critical perspective on Pakistan’s domestic and foreign affairs". Edited by Arif Rafiq, consultant on strategic guidance on Middle East and South Asian political and security issues, with previous experience working for the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, public relations firms and as a "speech writer for a head of state in the Middle East."
Small Wars Journal
"The aim of the [Small Wars Journal] blog/site is to facilitate the exchange of information among practitioners, thought leaders, and students of Small Wars, in order to advance knowledge and capabilities in the field." Frequent posts on Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan.