Pakistan Faces a Serious Drug Problem
12 January 2010
Pakistan's Drug Problem, Al Jazeera, 12 January 2010
EXCERPT: "It estimated there are half a million people who inject heroin in Pakistan, and maybe five million drug users in total. . . Iftikhar earned enough as a tailor to finance his habit, and when money ran short, he sold possessions like his video camera. 'After the high had worn off, I would wake up and realise what I'd done, but it didn't stop me,' he said. Until one day on the streets,...
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Managing Indo-Pak Tensions
12 January 2010
Managing Indo-Pak Tensions [commentary], The Heritage Foundation, 8 January 2010
EXCERPT: "The regional rivalry between India and Pakistan complicates the stabilization of Afghanistan and the fight against global terrorism. Yet the US has little leverage to coax the two sides into a genuine peace process that can reframe their relationship in the context of 21st century economic and political realities. The best the US can do is facilitate...
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Assessing Obama's Strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan
12 January 2010
The Status Report: Obama's Challenges in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Brookings Institution, 11 January 2010
EXCERPT: "Unfortunately, however, 2009 turned out to be a year of lost opportunities in Afghanistan during which momentum continued to be lost to the insurgency, corruption and apathy. . . The Obama administration's policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan thus earns a B. With respect to Pakistan, the administration's policy fared better,...
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US Drone War Delivers with Negative Consequences
12 January 2010
, AFP, 10 January 2010
EXCERPT: "The US drone war in Pakistan has made gains in annihilating Taliban and Al-Qaeda commanders, but the reliance on the unmanned, remotely controlled aircraft risks fanning Islamist violence. While tens of thousands of US troops are fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, their presence is unwelcome in ally Pakistan and drone strikes have become the main combat...
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IOM Launches 13 Projects in NW Frontier Province
12 January 2010
IOM Launches 13 Infrastructure Projects in Malakand Division, International Organization for Migration, 12 January 2010
EXCERPT: "IOM today signed agreements with local contractors to assist the government of Pakistan with 13 projects to rehabilitate and reconstruct infrastructure damaged by military operations in Malakand division last year. The signing, which was jointly organized by the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) government...
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Pakistan Likely to Become More Islamist, Anti-US: Report
12 January 2010

Pakistan Seen Becoming More Islamist, Anti-US, Reuters, 11 January 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan is likely to become a more Islamist state and increasingly anti-American in the coming years, complicating U.S. efforts to win its support against Islamist militants, a report released on Tuesday said. The report, which looks at Pakistan over a one-to-three year time horizon, rules out the possibility of a Taliban takeover or of it becoming the...
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Balochistan Assessment: 2010
12 January 2010
Balochistan Assessment: 2010, South Asia Terrorism Portal, 26 December 2009
EXCERPT: "The strategic and resource-rich Balochistan province continues to remain on the periphery of Pakistan's projects and perceptions. . . There has, however, been some reduction in violence during 2009. . . Despite the reduced levels of violence, the insurgency continues to simmer, with a steady stream of bomb and rocket attacks on gas pipelines, railway...
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