Pakistan Epicentre of Global Jihadism: Report
25 January 2010
Rising Extremism in South Asia, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 23 January 2010
EXCERPT: "By far the largest increase in terrorist violence within the past year has taken place in Pakistan, where a complex array of factors has created a situation of unprecedented lethality which increasingly challenges the authority and competence of the Pakistani state. The statistics are telling: in 2001, Pakistani casualties from...
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Govt, Military Wary of US Overtures
25 January 2010
, The Washington Post, 25 January 2010
EXCERPT: "Despite a string of high-profile visits designed to reassure Pakistan of Washington's commitment, U.S. officials have failed to win over a military and civilian establishment here that remains suspicious of U.S. ties to India and reluctant to plunge into war with Afghan militants who may outlast the U.S. presence. Differences between...
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Targeted Killings, Ethnic Violence Plague Karachi
25 January 2010
[blog], The AfPak Channel // Foreign Policy, 22 January 2010
EXCERPT: "The Arabian and Indo-Australian tectonic plates meet near Karachi, the Pakistani port city inhabited by at least 15 million people. But in recent weeks, Karachi has been reeling from violent seismic activity along its ethnic and political fault lines -- not the collision of geological plates nearby. Two days ago, armed Sindhi and Pashtun...
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CIA Deaths Prompt Surge in Drone Strikes
25 January 2010
, The New York Times, 22 January 2010
EXCERPT: "Beginning the day after the attack on a C.I.A. base in Khost, Afghanistan, the agency has carried out 11 strikes that have killed about 90 people suspected of being militants, according to Pakistani news reports, which make almost no mention of civilian casualties. The assault has included strikes on a mud fortress in North Waziristan on Jan. 6 that...
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Govt Reaches Out to Afghan Taliban
25 January 2010
Pakistan Says Reaches Out to Afghan Taliban, Reuters, 23 January 2010
EXCERPT: "U.S. ally Pakistan is reaching out to 'all levels' of the Afghan Taliban in a bid to encourage reconciliation in its war-torn neighbor, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said on Saturday. President Barack Obama has said a political solution was needed to stabilize Afghanistan and has emphasized that success would not be possible without the support...
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