Refugees Hosted By Pakistan, 1979 - 2008
16 October 2009

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Suicide Terrorism in Pakistan
16 October 2009
'Suicide Terrorism in Pakistan: An Assessment', Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, September 2009
EXCERPT: "This paper does not intend to answer the question of the motivations for suicide terror since several academics are already engaged in studying this particular aspect in detail (Krueger and Maleckova, Horgan, Creenshaw). Instead, the paper seeks to provide a more general portrait of a Pakistan dealing with an...
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Pakistan Spies Stoke Violence: Afghan Advisor
16 October 2009
'Pakistan Spies Stoke Violence: Afghan Advisor', Reuters, 16 October 2009
EXCERPT: "A Pakistani spy agency is helping anti-Western militants mount attacks including suicide bombings in Afghanistan, a reality the West lacks the resolve to confront, an advisor to the Afghan government said on Thursday. Davood Moradian, senior policy advisor to Foreign Minister Rangeen Dadfar Spanta, told Reuters the motive of the Inter-Services...
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The Pakistan Military: Change and Continuity
16 October 2009
[pdf], Institute of South Asian Studies, 18 September 2009
EXCERPT: "The Pakistan military is the most powerful institution in the country. It enjoys the informal status as the guardian of national sovereignty and integrity of a state perennially rocked by political instability and, in recent times, by terrorism. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks,...
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Disaggregating the Pakistani Taliban
16 October 2009
[pdf], Danish Institute for International Studies, September 2009
EXCERPT: "Until now debates on initiating dialogue with the Taliban have mainly focused on the Afghan Taliban, whereas many of the difficulties that U.S. and NATO forces are facing stem from the militant spillover from Pakistan. This brief outlines why...
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Attacks on State Institutions Continue
16 October 2009
, The New York Times, 16 October 2009
EXCERPT: "Suicide bombers attacked a police station that was holding a number of high-profile militants for interrogation in Peshawar on Friday, killing at least 11 people in the latest of a series of bold attacks against security installations in Pakistan, officials said. The wave of attacks has created new concerns that the country's array...
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