Negotiating with the Taliban: Issues and Prospects
28 June 2010
[pdf], The Century Foundation, 28 June 2010
EXCERPT: "This initiative is examining ways in which the international community may take greater collective responsibility for effectively assisting Afghanistan's transition from a war-ridden failed state to a fragile but reasonably peaceful one. The program adds an internationalist and multilateral lens to the policy debate on Afghanistan both...
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Kabul Denies Karzai Met with Haqqani, Pakistani Army Chief
28 June 2010
, AFP, 28 June 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's government angrily dismissed as baseless on Monday a media report that President Hamid Karzai had met face-to-face with an Al-Qaeda-linked Taliban leader in Kabul. Karzai's spokesman said the report on Al-Jazeera television on Sunday was part of a conspiracy to undermine a government-initiated peace plan aimed at ending almost nine...
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Al-Qaeda at Its Weakest, Bin Laden in Pakistan, Drones Legal: CIA Chief
28 June 2010
Bin Laden's Location Still Unknown: CIA Boss, CBC, 27 June 2010
EXCERPT: "CIA Director Leon Panetta says al-Qaeda is probably at its weakest since the Sept. 11 attacks because of U.S.-led strikes, with only 50 to 100 militants operating inside Afghanistan and the rest hiding in Pakistan's mountainous western border region. Panetta said Sunday the U.S. hasn't had good intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts for years and that the terrorist...
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Lack of Assistance Angers Returning Bajaur IDPs
28 June 2010
Lack of Assistance Angers Returning Bajaur IDPs, IRIN News, 27 June 2010
EXCERPT: "Thousands of people displaced by conflict in Bajaur Agency, one of seven tribal territories on the Pakistani-Afghan border, have returned to find damaged homes, limited services, sporadic fighting and little assistance from the government or UN agencies. 'The situation there [in Bajaur] is grim. There are shortages of food, prices fluctuate and medicines...
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US Embassy Fights to Correct Errors in Pakistani Media
28 June 2010
, The Washington Post, 27 June 2010
EXCERPT: "Some reports are deemed 'a paranoid fabrication,' such as the claim that all Pakistanis are stripped naked in U.S. airports. Others are 'false and malicious,' such as the one about the Americans moving Pakistani Taliban leaders to Afghanistan to prepare them for a battle against Pakistan's army. So says...
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