Archives for 15 January 2010

Headley Attended Lashkar Terrorism Training Camps

Pakistan flag Headley Attended Lashkar Training Camps in Pakistan, The Hindu, 15 January 2010 

EXCERPT: "The federal grand jury indictment in Chicago says that in 2002 and 2003, Headley attended terrorism training camps in Pakistan maintained by the Lashkar, and conspired with its members and others, including Rana, Kashmiri and Abdur Rehman, in planning and executing the attacks in Denmark and India. He allegedly conducted extensive surveillance...

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Denmark to Provide $28 Million USD in Aid

Denmark Denmark to Give USD 28 Million to Pakistan, RTT News, 13 January 2010 

EXCERPT: "Denmark announced Monday it would provide USD 28 million, an increase by USD 20 million, in aid to Pakistan during 2010-2012 for rebuilding the latter's schools and infrastructure destroyed by military operations in the militancy-affected Malakand area and the tribal belt bordering Afghanistan. Development Co-operation Minister Ulla Tornaes said...

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Kashmir A Police State: Gilani

IndiaPakFlag Kashmir A Police State: Ali Gilani, Pakistan Times, 15 January 2010 

EXCERPT: "Terming the right of self-determination as the only acceptable solution to the Kashmir dispute, the senior Kashmiri Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Gilani has said that Jammu and Kashmir had been practically turned into a police state where judicial orders were flouted with impunity, reports KMS. Talking to media men from New Delhi, Gilani said that Jammu and...

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Women Work for Peace Amid Violence

Pakistan flag Pakistani Women Work for Peace Amid Violence [op-ed], Boston Globe, 15 January 2010 

EXCERPT: "Every day in Pakistan, women's lives are routinely endangered, to say nothing of their 'rights.' Even where such practices are strictly against the law, they are woven into a social system where young girls are bartered away to pay off family debts, brides are killed in suspicious 'kitchen fires' for having an...

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U.S. War on Militancy Hurting Economy: President

USPakFlag U.S. War on Militancy Hits Pakistan Economy: Zardari, Reuters, 15 January 2010 

EXCERPT: "The U.S. regional campaign against militancy and the violence it has provoked in Pakistan have almost crippled its economy, President Asif Ali Zardari told an American envoy Friday. Pakistan, facing both U.S. pressure to help fight militants in Afghanistan and its own Taliban insurgency, said Friday there was no confirmation on the fate of...

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