Archives for 09 November 2009

Pakistan's Instability: A Threat to the Nuclear Arsenal?

Pak 'Defending the Arsenal: In an Unstable Pakistan, Can Nuclear Warheads Be Kept Safe?', The New Yorker, 9 November 2009

EXCERPT: "In the tumultuous days leading up to the Pakistan Army’s ground offensive in the tribal area of South Waziristan ... the Pakistani Taliban attacked what should have been some of the country’s best-guarded targets. In the most brazen strike, ten gunmen penetrated the Army’s main headquarters, in Rawalpindi...

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South Waziristan and Militant Migration

Pak 'The South Waziristan Migration', STRATFOR, 14 October 2009

EXCERPT: " ... we can expect the Pakistani offensive to cause a large displacement of militants. Of course, many of the militants who are forced to flee from South Waziristan, the epicenter of Pakistan's insurgency, will likely land in areas not too far away - like Balochistan - but at least some of the militants who will be flushed out of South Waziristan will land in places far...

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Who is Supporting Jundullah’s Terror Campaign?

Pak 'Who is Supporting Jundullah’s Terror Campaign and Why?', Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 6 November 2009

EXCERPT: "Iran has accused Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States of engaging in covert funding of the Jundallah ... Evidently, Pakistan would benefit from fueling Sunni sectarian violence in Sistan-Baluchistan for three reasons. One, though Iran and Pakistan have maintained friendly official ties, Pakistan’s...

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Lack of Basic Education Fuels Rise in Taliban, Extremism

Pak 'Lack of Basic Education Fuels Rise in Taliban and Extremism in Pakistan', The Telegraph, 5 November 2009

EXCERPT: "There are thousands of 'ghost schools' across Pakistan, one symbol of the calamitous state of the country's public education system. In a nation of 170 million people – almost half of whom are under the age of 18 – only 50 per cent of girls and 60 per cent of boys go to primary school, despite the absence...

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Terrorism’s Trojan Horse: Vehicle-Borne Suicide Attacks

Pak 'Terrorism's Trojan Horse: Vehicle-Borne Suicide Attacks Give Taliban Upper Hand in Pakistan', The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 6 November 2009

EXCERPT: "Suicide terrorism has taken a lethal turn in Pakistan recently with the widespread use of vehicle bombs, known to security services as Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED). After numerous mass casualty VBIED attacks across the country in October,...

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