Archives for 26 August 2010

US to Divert Some Development Aid to Flood Recovery

, The Washington Post, 26 August 2010

EXCERPT: "The United States is diverting some of its five-year, multibillion-dollar aid package for Pakistan to flood recovery and will reevaluate plans for the remainder because the disaster has dramatically altered the country's needs, the top U.S. aid official said Wednesday. [...] 'I fully envision some of the priorities will have to...

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Inflow of Refugees Deepens Ethnic Rivalries in Karachi

Karachi-Pakistan-map Crush of Refugees Inflames Karachi, The Wall Street Journal, 26 August 2010

EXCERPT: "Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Pakistan's devastating floods are seeking shelter in this city of 18 million, exacerbating ethnic strife that has already escalated this year and threatens to destabilize the government of President Asif Ali Zardari. Most of the refugees are ethnic Sindhis from areas outside Karachi, the capital...

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Taliban Plans to Attack Foreign Relief Workers: US

Pakistan-flagPakistan Taliban Planning Aid Attack, Says US Official, BBC News, 26 August 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani Taliban are planning to attack foreigners helping with flood relief efforts in the country, a senior US official has warned.  The official also said 'federal and provincial ministers' may be at risk.  Some UN agencies say they are now reviewing their security procedures.  It has now been four weeks...

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