Is There a New Pakistan Policy or Not?
07 December 2009
[blog], Foreign Policy // The Cable, 3 December 2009
EXCERPT: In his landmark strategy speech Tuesday, President Obama stressed the importance of Pakistan to the success of the fight against terrorism and extremism in South Asia, but he didn't offer many details. One reason could be that there are no new concrete deliverables or changes in approach related to Pakistan to announce, and all of the...
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Pashtunistan: The Real Challenge
07 December 2009
, The New York Times, 5 December 2009
EXCERPT: "The plan President Obama unveiled last week for Years 9 and 10 of the war in Afghanistan left a basic question begging for an answer: If Al Qaeda is the threat, and Al Qaeda is in Pakistan, why send another 30,000 troops to Afghanistan? In his address Tuesday night, the president mentioned Pakistan and the Pakistanis some 25 times, and called Pakistan and Afghanistan...
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India: Key to Pakistan, Afghanistan
07 December 2009
, TIME, 5 December 2009
EXCERPT: "The road to success for President Obama's Afghanistan strategy runs through India, goes an increasingly familiar refrain. That's because reversing the Taliban's momentum requires getting rid of the movement's sanctuary in Pakistan, where the insurgent leadership is known to be based in and around the city of Quetta. But while Pakistan is aggressively...
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Amnesty Case Stirs Tension, Charges Challenged
07 December 2009
, The Associated Press, 7 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Pakistan's Supreme Court began hearing petitions Monday against an expired amnesty that had protected President Asif Ali Zardari and key allies from graft charges, a case that could lead to legal challenges to the U.S.-backed leader's rule. A ruling against Zadari ? whom opinion polls show to be very unpopular ? risks political...
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Militants Strike Again, Kill Dozens in Multiple Attacks
07 December 2009
Explosions in Pakistan Hit Peshawar Court, Lahore Market, VOA News, 7 December 2009
EXCERPT: "Police in Pakistan's eastern city Lahore say two explosions in a busy outdoor market have wounded at least 20 people. Television footage of the Monday evening blasts show rescue workers battling large fires. Authorities have released few details about the explosions, which occurred in an area of the city called Moon Market. A local...
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