US-China Relations: Seeking Strategic Convergence in Pakistan
13 January 2010
[pdf], Brookings Institution, January 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan is under the influence of a dangerous cocktail. It at once faces a growing insurgency led by Taliban and al Qaeda militants, a domestic political system characterized by interminable infighting, and an economic meltdown. Inside the U.S. government, preventing against a Pakistani collapse has become the clarion call...
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Thousands Trapped as Army Hunts Taliban
13 January 2010
Thousands Trapped as Pakistani Army Hunts Taliban, AlertNet, 12 January 2010
EXCERPT: "As many as 15,000 people are still trapped by fighting between the Pakistani army and Taliban militants along the Afghan border, with little access to food, water and medicine, aid workers say. The military strikes against the Taliban in their strongholds in the remote, mountainous region of South Waziristan have already forced almost 300,000 people...
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The Challenges of Pakistani Governance
13 January 2010
[pdf], Atlantic Council, 11 January 2010
EXCERPT: "In Pakistan, it would be a disservice to look at this current conflict solely as an Afghanistan issue because Pakistan too faces the same wars within. There is a continuous battle between what the government of Pakistan wants, irrespective of its complexion, and what the people of Pakistan want. Our history clearly indicates that whenever we...
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