Archives for 29 March 2010

School Attempts to Reform Child-fighters, Counter Taliban Influence

, The Washington Post, 28 March 2010

EXCERPT: "In mountains not far from this village, Pakistani authorities say, terrorists are preparing their newest generation of spies, shooters and suicide bombers. In the village, under razor wire and the watch of soldiers, Pakistan is trying to give some of the recruits back their childhoods. At a new school tucked...

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IMF Defers Payments as Fiscal Deficit Increases

, Asia Times Online, 30 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has deferred for an indefinite period disbursement of the fifth, US$1.2 billion, installment of funds to be paid to Pakistan under their $11.3 billion standby agreement. This came after the government failed to meet the condition of tabling draft value-added tax (VAT) legislation in the four provincial assemblies. [...] The...

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Judiciary Tackles Constitutional Reform, Reopening of Graft Cases


Deadline Given for Reopening of NAB Cases, DAWN 29 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The Supreme Court on Monday made an indirect reference to the constitutional immunity enjoyed by President Asif Ali Zardari by saying that no one, not even a king, can enjoy any benefit of the struck down NRO. The Supreme Court of Pakistan also gave a 24 hour ultimatum to the National Accountability Bureau to reopen cases both at home and abroad. The court also slapped...

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India Stops Kashmir Troop Withdrawal amid Fears of Attacks

, Toronto Star, 27 March 2010

EXCERPT: "India has stopped a small but symbolic pullout of soldiers from the beleaguered state of Jammu and Kashmir, after the number of militants crossing into the Indian-controlled territory from Pakistan increased in recent months. [...] A year ago, militant-related violence in Kashmir fell to its lowest level in two decades and India announced it would begin to withdraw...

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Air Force Doctrine Changed to Tackle Militancy

Pakistan-flag Pakistan Changes Air Force Security Doctrine to Counter Militancy, Sify News, 27 March 2010

EXCERPT: " The Pakistan Air Force (PAF), traditionally trained to defend the air space against India, has modified its security doctrine to counter the home-grown Taliban insurgency, the PAF chief said Saturday. Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleman, in a rare media briefing at the air headquarters in Islamabad, said the 'concept of security...

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US-Pakistan Relationship Uncertain: Brief

US-pakistan-logo Intel Brief: US-Pakistan Relationship Fleeting, International Relations and Security Network Security Watch, 29 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The shift in the level of cooperation from Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) with the US intelligence community is likely only a short-term adjustment designed to achieve strategic and geopolitical success for Pakistan. This is due to the fact that the latter had been confronted with a growing...

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