Al-Qaida Training Camps Continue in Af-Pak Tribal Areas: Der Spiegel
11 May 2011
Much has changed in the Islamist terrorist scene in Germany in the almost 10 years since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but one constant has remained. Like the 9/11 attackers, the overwhelming majority of militant jihadists in Germany have attended training camps run by al-Qaida or affiliated groups. In these camps, would-be terrorists receive instruction on terrorism techniques and are given orders to be carried out in Europe. The camps are...
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US Places Haqqani Commander on Terrorist List, Imposes Sanctions
11 May 2011
The United States on Wednesday designated a leader of the Al-Qaeda-linked Haqqani network to a list of people sanctioned for involvement or support of terrorist organizations. Badruddin Haqqani is the son of network founder Jalaluddin Haqqani and the brother of Nasiruddin and Sirajuddin Haqqani, all of whom are "specially designated global terrorists" under a US executive order and subject to US and United Nations sanctions. The network...
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Shiism and Sectarian Conflict in Pakistan: Report
11 May 2011
As the first decade of the 21st century nears its end, issues surrounding militancy among the Shi‛a community in the Shi‛a heartland and beyond continue to occupy scholars and policymakers. During the past year, Iran has continued its efforts to extend its influence abroad by strengthening strategic ties with key players in international affairs, including Brazil and Turkey. Iran also continues to defy the international community through its tenacious...
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US Begins Trial of Pakistani Man Accused of Mumbai Involvement
11 May 2011
The Chicago trial of a Pakistani man accused of helping to plot the deadly Mumbai attacks opens next week amid a diplomatic crisis which could worsen if evidence of Pakistan’s involvement is revealed. Pakistan is already trying to deflect mounting suspicion of official complicity with terrorism in the wake of the May 2 US raid which killed Osama bin Laden in an urban compound only 55 kilometers (35 miles) from Islamabad. The world’s most...
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