Archives for 16 July 2010

Army Accused of 238 Extra-judicial Killings in Swat

Swat-valley-pakistan Pakistan Army Accused of Extrajudicial Killings in Swat, BBC News, 16 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani army has carried out 238 extrajudicial killings of people in the Swat Valley since September last year, says a report from Human Rights Watch. It documents cases where members of the army allegedly took away Taliban suspects, who were later found dead, their bodies riddled with bullets. A military spokesman denied the army had engaged...

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Taliban "Widen Jihad", Target "Rival" Jamaat-i-Islami

Jamestown-foundation-logo Pakistani Taliban Widen Jihad with Strikes on Fellow Muslims, The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 16 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The local chapter of Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Islamist political party held a rally on April 19 in the historic Kissa Khwani Bazaar of Peshawar to protest the extremely low gas pressure and rolling blackouts that affect Peshawar residents up to 10 hours per day (for the shortages, see Daily Times...

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Fatal Market Blast in Khyber

Khyber-pakistan-map , AFP, 16 July 2010

EXCERPT: "A bomb blast ripped through a busy car market in Pakistan's infamous tribal district of Khyber on Friday, killing 10 civilians including children, officials said. The explosion rocked Kuki Khel town in Khyber, on the NATO supply route into Afghanistan and part of Pakistan's tribal belt that Washington considers an Al-Qaeda headquarters and the most dangerous region on...

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Punjab's Crackdown on Terrorists "Unconvincing"

Punjab-pakistan-map In Pakistan's Punjab, an Unconvincing Terror Crackdown, TIME, 14 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Bowing to intense public pressure, Pakistan's largest province has finally moved against some local militant groups. The Punjab government, which had until now preferred to look away, last week ordered a crackdown after a series of vicious terrorist attacks on religious groups branded by the militants as heretics, apostates or infidels. Over...

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