After 30 Years, Afghan Refugees Given Two Weeks to Leave Camp
21 September 2010
, China View, 19 September 2010
EXCERPT: "Authorities in Pakistan have asked Afghan refugees to leave in two weeks a camp they had lived in for nearly 30 years and devastated by the recent floods, refugees at the camp said on Sunday. The government has already stopped thousands of Afghan refugees from rebuilding their houses in Azakhel refugee camp, some 40 kilometers from Peshawar,...
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Police Escorts Compromise Aid Impartiality, Safety: Group
21 September 2010
Pakistan: Securing Aid Delivery, IRIN News, 21 September 2010
EXCERPT: "A resurgence in political violence in Pakistan, after the floods had brought a lull, is causing the authorities concern over the well-being of aid workers, but the international aid community is worried that security restrictions will make it harder for them to operate in flood-affected areas. Foreign aid workers can enter some areas when accompanied by an...
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Radicalization and Perceptions of Educated Youth in Pakistan
21 September 2010
Youth Takes Religion Seriously: PIPS Study, Pakistan Daily Mail, 20 September 2010
EXCERPT: "The Pakistani youth takes their religion seriously without expressing a desire to impose it on other people. It was revealed in a research [pdf] conducted by Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) to examine the thinking patterns of Pakistani youth. The latest issue of ?Conflict and Peace Studies?, a quarterly research journal...
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Obama's War: Prospects for the Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan
21 September 2010
[pdf], The Afghanistan Papers // The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), September 2010
EXCERPT: "On coming into office, President Barak Obama immediately assembled a team to assess the US situation in Afghanistan and formulate a strategy for the mission. Heading up this team was Bruce Riedel, a former adviser to Presidents Clinton and Bush and a...
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