No Predator Drones for Islamabad: US
09 August 2010
Two Drone Options on the Table, The Express Tribune, 7 August 2010
EXCERPT: "The US has offered two options to Pakistan in response to its request for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) ? or drones ? to help it fight extremists in the north, but both are good for surveillance only, a top Pentagon official indicated on Friday. US Undersecretary of Defence for Policy Michele Flournoy said here that the option of giving Pakistan UAVs was...
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Govt Now Has "Full Control" Over ISI: Zardari
09 August 2010
Pakistan's President Zardari Interview: Days of Rogue Spies Are Over, The Telegraph, 7 August 2010
EXCERPT: "In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Zardari insisted that he now had full control over Pakistan's shadowy intelligence services, which have long been suspected of lending secret support to militant causes. Mr Zardari, who is on a five day visit to London, spoke out after talks on Friday with Mr Cameron aimed...
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Kashmir Key to Understanding Afghan War
09 August 2010
[OpEd], The Washington Post, 8 August 2010
EXCERPT: "The United States is struggling to implement a strategy for Afghanistan that will improve the lives of the Afghan people and allow U.S. troops to go home. Part of what makes it so difficult is the way Washington views the conflict: through the lens of what officials have dubbed 'AfPak,' a war in the southern...
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Military Efforts Alone Can Not Reverse Extremism
09 August 2010
, Foreign Policy Magazine // AfPak Channel, 6 August 2010
EXCERPT: "Reading the reports made public on WikiLeaks from outside Pakistan, it's easy to believe that extremism and terrorism in the region could be stopped almost immediately, if only Pakistan would fully commit to the effort. The reality, however, is much more complicated. At a recent conference hosted in Islamabad by the Pak Institute...
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Punjab Counter-Taliban Operation Successful but Ignores LeT
09 August 2010
Half-Hearted Security Operations in Punjab Do Little to Restrain Taliban Attacks, The Jamestown Foundation // Global Terrorism Analysis, 5 August 2010
EXCERPT: "Nobody in the Punjab security establishment was aware of how deep the Taliban had penetrated local society when the police and law enforcement agencies started a half-hearted operation against the Punjabi Taliban in the last days of June. The operation came in response to...
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