Archives for 30 June 2010

Govt Efforts at Taliban Reconciliation Complicated by Haqqani's Ties to Al-Qaeda

Af-pak-flag Reconciliation Efforts with Afghan Militants Face Major Obstacle, Los Angeles Times, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Prospects for an effort by Pakistan to broker a reconciliation between the government of neighboring Afghanistan and a violent wing of the Afghan Taliban depend on overcoming a major obstacle: severing long-standing relations between the militant group and Al Qaeda.Experts say both Pakistan and Afghanistan realize that breaking...

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Red Cross Hospital Treats Taliban and Children

Red-cross Patched Up in Pakistan: Red Cross Hospital Treats Taliban and Children, Spiegel Online, 30 June 2010

EXCERPT: "A Red Cross field hospital in Peshawar specializes in treating victims of the armed conflicts in northwest Pakistan and Afghanistan. The doctors don't ask which side their patients are on. For them, they are all victims. [...] Since April 2009, the ICRC has been running the field hospital, which was set up to treat victims...

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Kashmir Police Investigate Indian Soldiers Accused of Murdering Civilians

Kashmir Police Investigate Indian Soldiers Accused of Murdering Civilians, Guardian, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Police in Kashmir are investigating a series of incidents in which Indian soldiers are accused of killing civilians who they subsequently claimed were Islamic militants. In one case, exposed this month, three labourers were allegedly murdered in an attempt to boost the combat record of an Indian army unit whose members were then able...

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Afghanistan-Pakistan and Central Asia

Af-pak-flag Afghanistan-Pakistan and Central Asia, Institut f?r Strategie-Politik-Sicherheits-und Wirtschaftsberatung via the Human Security Gateway, 18 June 2010

EXCERPT: "With the US-led West getting about to withdraw from Afghanistan - the real upsurge for the crucial region historically known as the Between and Betwixt of Empires is about to begin in earnest. This will be a confluence - a perfect storm - of the revival and resurrection of historic...

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Al-Qaeda Commander Killed in S. Waziristan Drone Strike

, The New York Times, 29 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Eight militants, including an Egyptian allied with Al Qaeda, were killed Tuesday in what residents and a Pakistani security official said was a United States drone strike in the South Waziristan tribal area near this country's Afghan border. [...] Tuesday's attack was the second within a few weeks in South Waziristan after a lull that lasted months....

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