Archives for 23 March 2010

Riots in Quetta Following Latest Targeted Killing

Quetta Professor Gunned Down in Quetta, The News, 23 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Professor Fazal Bari, a prominent educationist and former chairman of the Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), was killed in the fresh incident of target killing in the Takhtani bypass area of Quetta on Monday. The police said Professor Fazal Bari was on his way to the Tameer-i-Nuo Public School, where he had been serving as the principal,...

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Pakistan: State of Human Rights in 2009

[pdf], Human Rights Commission of Pakistan via the Human Security Gateway, 26 February 2010

EXCERPT:"Dastardly terrorist attacks, resulting in the killing of innocent citizens and law-enforcement personnel across the country in 2009 constituted the greatest threat to fundamental rights of the citizens. Coming under attack from the security forces in their bastions in Swat and South Waziristan,...

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Hardliners Vow Jihad to Liberate Kashmir

, AFP, 23 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistani hardliners on Tuesday vowed to wage a holy war to liberate the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir from Indian control. About 5,000 people attended a rally in the town of Kotli in Pakistan-administered Kashmir about 80 kilometres (50 miles) east of Islamabad, shouting: 'We are ready for jihad (holy war), we are ready for jihad!' [...] 'Diplomacy,...

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Foreign Fighters a "Formidable Presence"

Pakistan-flag Arabs Throw in their Lot with "Global Terrorists" in War against the Infidel, Times Online, 20 March 2010

EXCERPT: "First-hand accounts from locals in the lawless areas of Pakistan close to the Afghan border, combined with those of Pakistani officers in the region, suggest that there is no shortage of Islamic foreigners willing to join the fray. Britain claims that these fighters are still the source of 75 per cent of terror...

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Police Foil Terror Plot on Western Targets

Pakistan-flag Pakistan Foils Plot to Bomb Western Targets, Reuters, 22 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistani police have foiled a plot to blow up a restaurant in Islamabad's diplomatic enclave that is frequented by foreigners, and government buildings, a police official said on Monday. Militants tied to Qari Hussain, known as the Taliban's 'mentor of suicide bombers,' were arrested before they could attack the Serena Hotel and the French...

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