
Last updated: 14 February 2011

This page lists researchers and other experts on Pakistan.  We are continuously updating this list.  Please let us know of additional resources or corrections.

  • Ahmed, Akba, Brookings Institute, United States
    A former High Commissioner of Pakistan to the United Kingdom, Akbar Ahmed is currently Chair of Islamic Studies at American University and the US Naval Academy and an expert on global Islam, Pakistan and US relations with the Islamic world.

  • Armytage, Livingston, Center for Judicial Studies, Australia
    Armytage is the Director of the Center for Judicial Studies, with more than 30 years of experience in consulting, directing programs of judicial education and legal training, practising law, and managing a substantial law firm. Currently, he works on projects involving rule of law and judiciary sector in Pakistan, South Asia.

  • Bajoria, Jayshree, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United States
    A CFR Staff writer who frequently publishes articles on Pakistan and the region.

  • Bartlotti, Leonard N. (Len), Biola University, United States
    Bartlotti is "an Associate Professor and a specialist in Islamic studies and the anthropology of Muslim societies. He worked and lived with his family in the frontier city of Peshawar, Pakistan for 14 years (1985-1999)".

  • Bergen, Peter, New America Foundation, United States
    Both a print and television journalist, Bergen is also a Senior Research Fellow with the American Strategy Program and the Co-Director of the Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative. Bergen researches and writes on the al-Qaeda network, counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

  • Beall, Jo, Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics
    Professor Beall's research focuses on cities, developing countries, urban development, social exclusion, South Asia, urban poverty, South Africa, fragile states, Afghanistan, area interests, urban governance and Pakistan.

  • Borchgrevink, Kaja, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, Norway
    A researcher with a background in development studies and practical development work in South Asia, Borchgrevink focuses on peace-building, civil society and religion in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  • Cohen Stephen P., Brookings Institute, United States
    As a Senior Fellow, "Stephen P. Cohen, an author and former professor, conducts research on proliferation and the militaries of India and Pakistan."

  • Curtis, Lisa, The Heritage Foundation, United States
    Curtis is "a Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, focusing on analyzing America's economic, security, and political relationships with India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. . . She served in the U.S. embassies in Pakistan and India in the mid-1990s and has taken part on various official missions to the region. . . [She has] earned a Meritorious Honor Award from the State Department in 1996 for her role as embassy point-person in a year-long, four-nation endeavor to free hostages held by militants in Kashmir."

  • Fair, Christine C., Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University, United States
    Fair is "an Assistant Professor in the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), within Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. Previously, she has served as a senior political scientist with the RAND Corporation, a political officer to the United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan in Kabul, and as a senior research associate in USIP’s Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention. She is also a senior fellow with the Counter Terrorism Center at West Point and serves on the editorial board of Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, and is the Managing Editor of India Review."

  • Grare, Frederic, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, United States
    "Grare's research focuses on South Asia security issues and the search for a security architecture. He also works on the tension between stability and democratization in Pakistan, including civil-military relations, the challenge of sectarian conflict and Islamic political mobilization."

  • Gregory, Shaun, Pakistan Security Research Unit, Bradford University, United Kingdom
    "The head of the Pakistan Security Research Unit and a former Visiting Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques at Sciences-Po in Paris in 2006. His work in recent years has centred on South Asian nuclear and security issues with a particular focus on Pakistan."

  • Gupta, Arvind, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India
    Gupta is "an officer of the Indian Foreign Service, (1979 batch), [and presently] the Lal Bahadur Shastri Chair in Strategic and Defence Studies at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses."

  • Haeri, Shahla, Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, Boston University, United States A faculty member, Haeri focuses on religion, law, and gender dynamics in Iran, Pakistan, and India.

  • Hathaway, Robert, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, United States
    Hathaway currently serves as the Director of Wilson Center's Asia program. His professional experience includes working as a diplomatic historian, a professor and a staffer for the Foreign Affairs Committee, US House of Representatives. He has published on a range of issues facing Pakistan and the region, including energy, education and economy. Innocent, Malou, CATO Institute, United States A foreign policy analyst whose primary research interests include Middle East and Persian Gulf security issues and U.S. foreign policy toward Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China.

  • Kagan, Frederick W.,
    American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy (AEI), United States Resident Scholar and Critical Threats director at the AEI and one of the intellectual architects of the successful "surge" strategy in Iraq. He is a former professor of military history at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

  • Kugelman, Michael, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, United States
    A Program Associate with the Wilson Center's Asia Program. He is responsible for research, programming, and publications on South and Southeast Asia. His current projects include working on water and food security in Pakistan.

  • Kumar, Sumita, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India
    Kumar is a research officer currently working on the project "India-Pakistan Peace Process: An Evaluation". She has also conducted research on South Asian security for various agencies and organisations.

  •  Lodhi, Maleeha, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, United States
    A Woodrow Wilson Center Public Policy Scholar currently working on the project "Challenges of Pivotal State: Internal and External Drivers of Pakistan’s Post 9/11 Crisis".
  • Markey, Daniel, Council on Foreign Relations, United States
    A Senior Fellow and a former State Department South and Central Asia portfolio policy planning staff member. His current work focuses on US policy in South Asia, especially Pakistan and India.

  • Pattanaik, Smruti, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, India
    A Research Fellow with IDSA, Pattanaik focuses on military and political topics in South Asia, as well as issues of nationalism and national identity in South Asia.

  • Riedel, Bruce, Brookings Institute, United States
    Currently a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, and formerly a "CIA officer, Bruce Riedel focuses on political transition, terrorism and conflict resolution. He was a senior adviser to three U.S. presidents on Middle East and South Asian issues. At the request of President Obama he chaired an interagency review of policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan for the White House that was completed in March 2009."

  • , Pakistan Blog // Foreign Policy Association, United States Qureshi is the principal writer on the Pakistan Blog, where he writes on a range of issues facing Pakistan, including domestic and foreign politics, violence, terrorism and conflict. Fascinated by the "relationship between Pakistan, the country of his birth, and the United States of America, his adopted homeland, he makes every effort to read major newspapers in Pakistan and what is being said about Washington, while staying fully alert to the analysis and the news being reported in the American press about Pakistan."

  • Schaffer,Howard B., Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, United States
    Schaffer is currently a Senior Counselor at the Institute. He is also a "retired American foreign service officer who spent much of his 36-year career dealing with US relations with South Asia. He served as ambassador to Bangladesh (1984-87), political counselor at American embassies in India (1977-79) and Pakistan (1974-77), and was twice deputy assistant secretary of state responsible for South Asian affairs."
  • Schaffer, Teresita C., Center for Strategic and International Studies, United States
    Schaffer is the Director of the South Asia Program at CSIS. "Her areas of expertise include US–South Asia relations, regional security, and economics, energy, and health policy in India; 30-year career in the US Foreign Service, where she specialized in international economics and South Asia, on which she was one of the State Department’s principal experts."

  • Schmidle, Nicholas, New America Foundation, United States
    As a Schwartz Fellow, "Schmidle writes about the intersection of culture, religion and politics abroad; he has reported from South and Central Asia, on topics including terrorism, Afghan and Pakistani politics, and the Taliban; lived in Pakistan in 2006 and 2007 and speaks Urdu and Persian."

  • Shaikh, Farzana, Chatham House, United Kingdom
    An Associate Fellow in the Asia program, Shaikh focuses on Pakistan, South Asian Islam, and Bangladesh politics, history and society, as well as political and humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

  • , United States Institute of Peace, United States
    As the Director for Afghanistan and Pakistan at the US Institute of Peace and chair of the Institute’s Afghanistan and Pakistan Working Groups, Thier leads USIP efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he has lived and worked on and off since 1993.