US Drones Zero In on Mir Ali in N. Waziristan
15 October 2010
US Predators Strike in Mir Ali,[blog] The Long War Journal, 15 October 2010
EXCERPT: "US Predators struck again in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, killing five. The remotely piloted Predators or the more heavily armed Reapers fired two missiles today in the village of Machi Khel in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. Pakistani intelligence officials differed over the exact target of the strike....
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Massive Rise in Kidnappings in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
15 October 2010
Massive Rise in Kidnappings in Pakistani Province, BBC News, 14 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Kidnappings for ransom have surged in Pakistan's troubled Khyber Pakthoonkhwa province this year, police officials say. At least 550 cases were reported in the first nine months of 2010, compared to 300 in the whole of 2009. Those kidnapped include diplomats, politicians, lawyers, doctors and university professors. Criminal gangs are thought to...
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Grand Strategy in the Afghan, Pakistan and Iraq Wars: Report
15 October 2010
[pdf], Center for Strategic and International Studies via the Human Security Gateway, 14 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Grand strategy is not an American strength, and it is far too easy to become obsessed with day-to-day issues. In the case of Iraq, this means a focus on US withdrawal and the formation of a new Iraqi government. In the case of Afghanistan and Pakistan,...
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US Stands by Pakistan, Expects It to Attack N. Waziristan - the "Epicenter of Terrorism"
15 October 2010
Mullen Stands by Pakistan?, The Wall Street Journal, 15 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, offered a dose of U.S. support for Pakistan's counterterrorism efforts Thursday, amid a flurry of U.S. criticism of its ally. Adm. Mullen, who is close to Pakistan's military chief, said in an interview that Islamabad had gotten the message that it needs to do more to battle militants on its...
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Pakistan Offers to Assist Afghan Talks; NATO Facilitates Passage for Taliban Commander
15 October 2010
Pakistan Says Willing to Assist Afghan Talks, Reuters, 15 October 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan said on Friday it was willing to assist talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, and NATO confirmed its forces had helped ensure a senior Taliban commander reached Kabul. NATO and U.S. officials have said they are ready to do more to help Afghan President Hamid Karzai's reconciliation efforts with the Taliban, but Pakistani Foreign...
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