Pakistan Shifts Drone Blame to US Despite Assistance
14 January 2010
Stepped-Up Drone Strikes Test U.S.-Pakistan Ties, NPR, 12 January 2010
EXCERPT: "The U.S. military launched more drone missile strikes Tuesday ? this time, inside Afghanistan. Officials say 16 insurgents were killed. The Obama administration has been ramping up CIA drone attacks, especially across the border in Pakistan. More than half of the estimated 100 missile strikes there since 2006 took place in the past year. [...] But Shuja...
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Contingency Planning for Pak Terrorist Attacks on India
14 January 2010
[pdf], Council on Foreign Relations Center for Preventive Action, January 2010
EXCERPT: "India faces the real prospect of another major terrorist attack by Pakistan-based terrorist organizations in the near future. Unlike the aftermath of the November 2008 attack on Mumbai, in which 166 people died, Indian military restraint cannot be taken...
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US "Trusts" Pak Military on N Waziristan Offensive
14 January 2010
, Asia Times Online, 14 January 2010
EXCERPT: "After several months of backroom wheeling and dealing between the United States and the top brass in the Pakistani garrison city of Rawalpindi, Washington has expressed its full trust in Pakistan's military leadership and its apparatus, including the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), which in turn is preparing to fight the next phase in the South...
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Iran, Pakistan Review Concerns Over Border Instability
14 January 2010
Iran: Hidden Agenda Behind Border Instability, Press TV, 14 January 2010
EXCERPT: "An Iranian Foreign Ministry official says there is a hidden agenda behind the recent destabilizing measures on Iran's eastern borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan. 'Restoration of security to Iran's long borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan is in the best national and regional interest; however, there are some elements who...
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