Archives for 12 May 2010

Easy Access to "Jihadist Material" Aids Youth Radicalization

Pakistan-flag Educated and Radical: Why Pakistan Produces Faisal Shahzads, The Christian Science Monitor, 10 May 2010

EXCERPT: "What turns the affluent and educated offspring of the Pakistani middle-classes ? young people such as Faisal Shahzad ? toward militancy? That's a question some Pakistani analysts are mulling following the arrest last week of the accused Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. If found guilty, he would add to a string of high-profile...

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Doubts Cast on Times Square Taliban Link

US-pakistan-flag Republican Doubts Taliban Link to New York Plot, Reuters, 12 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Senator Kit Bond, after a briefing by U.S. counterterrorism and law enforcement officials, said it was not confirmed the accused bomber - Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan - was working for the Islamist group. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Sunday evidence showed the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) helped direct the failed...

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No Move to Block US Aid to Pakistan: Holbrooke

US-pakistan-flag No Move to Block US Aid to Pakistan: Holbrooke, DAWN, 12 May 2010

EXCERPT: "The US State Department has joined the Pentagon and the White House in assuring Pakistan that it remains a key ally in the war against terror and that Secretary Hillary Clinton never spoke about disrupting economic or military assistance to Pakistan. The assurance came from Mrs Clinton's close confidant, US Special Representative Richard Holbrooke. Her remarks...

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Swat Locals: More Needs to Be Done to Ensure Security

Swat-valley-pakistan Locating the Swat Operation, Daily Times, 12 May 2010

EXCERPT: " [...] An internationally recognised researcher on Swat, Dr Sultan-e-Rome says of the operation, 'A failure ? the fresh wave of target killings right under the nose of the army is a testament ? [the decision to] force civilians to form lashkars and be their own watchmen during the night, an increase in the number of army posts and frequent checking and curfews are other...

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Civilians in Tribal Areas Targeted in Deadly Attacks

, The Associated Press, 12 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistani Taliban shot and killed two men Wednesday whom they accused of spying for the United States, while a bomb ripped through a NATO oil tanker near the Afghan border and killed a passer-by, officials and  residents said. The slain men were from Miran Shah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal region which is effectively under...

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