US and Pakistan Try to Ease Tensions as Congress Set to Review Aid Package
04 May 2011
U.S. and Pakistani governments sent conflicting signals about their increasingly rocky ties Tuesday, as each sought to minimize mounting domestic backlashes two days after Navy commandos killed Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil. The White House on Tuesday affirmed its partnership with Pakistan, moving to contain tensions it fears will jeopardize billions of dollars of American aid to Islamabad and a relationship with a Pakistani government still...
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Bin Laden Killing "Lawful", Act of "National Self-defence": US
04 May 2011
Was the killing of Osama bin Laden legal under international law? Experts are unsure. Attorney General Eric Holder told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the U.S. raid on bin Laden's compound was lawful "as an act of national self-defense." "He was the head of al Qaeda, an organization that had conducted the attacks of September the 11th," Holder said. "It's lawful to target an enemy commander in the field." Presidents Bill...
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India Reaffirms Belief Mumbai Attackers Are Sheltered in Pakistan
04 May 2011
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s often lonely efforts to improve relations with Pakistan are certain to become more complicated, and more difficult, after the disclosure that Osama bin Laden had been hiding in a military town in the heart of Pakistan. Many Indian officials, who have long accused Pakistan of providing shelter to terrorist groups, felt vindicated by the discovery of Bin Laden in the town of Abbottabad, an hour’s drive north...
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