Key Jundallah Rebel Leader Arrested
24 February 2010
, Asia Times Online, 25 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Iran on Tuesday triumphed in the arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, the 31-year-old leader of Jundallah (Soldiers of God), a Sunni insurgent group accused by Tehran of undertaking a string of terror attacks in the country that have claimed scores of lives over the past few years. Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi described the capture of its most wanted fugitive as a 'great...
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Confusion Over Deal to Transfer Captured Taliban Leader to Afghanistan
24 February 2010
Confusion Over Afghan Militant Transfer Deal, CNN, 24 February 2010
EXCERPT: "An Afghan government official said a tentative agreement was reached Wednesday to transfer a detained Afghan Taliban military leader from Pakistan to Afghanistan, but Pakistan quickly denied the assertion. An Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashari told CNN that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is to be handed over to Afghanistan as part of a prisoner swap...
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Drone Strike, Beheadings in North Waziristan
24 February 2010
, The Washington Post, 24 February 2010
EXCERPT: "A U.S. drone aircraft fired three missiles into Pakistan's North Waziristan region on the Afghan border Wednesday, killing eight militants, Pakistani intelligence officials and residents said. The strike targeted a stronghold of the Haqqani network, a major Taliban faction attacking Western forces across the border in Afghanistan. A similar strike...
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Distrust Over Shared Rivers Complicates India-Pakistan Talks
24 February 2010
Distrust Complicates India-Pakistan River Row, AlertNet, 24 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Distrust between India and Pakistan and a 'hawkish' Indian mindset were complicating efforts to resolve disputes over the water of shared rivers, Pakistan's top river water official said. Some analysts fear that disputes over water between the old rivals could in future spark conflict as the neighbours compete for dwindling supplies of water...
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Transatlantic Policy on Afghanistan and Pakistan
24 February 2010
[pdf], FRIDE, February 2010
EXCERPT: "In contrast to the enhanced coordination on Afghanistan, the United States and Europe have yet to develop a viable strategy for Pakistan. A fairly strong consensus exists on the nature of the challenges in Pakistan and general prescriptions for dealing with those challenges. There is broad recognition that the threat perceptions of the Pakistani...
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