Archives for 23 July 2010

Taliban Boss Thought Dead Threatens Comeback

Pakistan-flag Taliban Boss Thought Dead Threatens Comeback, CBS News, 23 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Taliban militants driven out of Pakistan's northern Swat valley in a 2009 military campaign are threatening a comeback. A video obtained by CBS News' Sami Yousafzai shows Mullah Fazlullah, the former leader of the Taliban in Swat, addressing a group of followers -- described as suicide bombers -- and urging them to target Pakistan's government...

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Drones Hinder Operations, but Help Recruitment: Taliban

Drone-image3 Mapping US Drone and Islamic Militant Attacks in Pakistan: Secret War, BBC News, 22 July 2010

EXCERPT: "In recent years, with the absence of decisive Pakistani military action in the area, America decided the best way to kill those deemed a risk to US security was by firing missiles at them from unmanned aircraft. The use of these planes in the tribal areas of Pakistan began under the watch of President George W Bush, but has increased...

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Unrest in Balochistan

Balochistan-pakistan Unrest in Baluchistan, International Relations and Security Network // Security Watch, 22 July 2010

EXCERPT: "While the world focuses on the end game in Afghanistan, multiple crises brewing in a neighboring region have the potential to spoil international efforts to stabilize the  country. Extremist groups, secessionist movements, and grinding poverty and oppression are all contributing to instability in Baluchistan, a vast desert...

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Changing Demographics of the Army's Officer Corps

[pdf], Atlantic Council's South Asia Center // Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University via the Human Security Gateway, 14 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistan army elicits many concerns about terrorism, nuclear proliferation and the coherence of the state. However, very little is actually known about this institution. This essay mobilizes unique data to address one important...

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Pakistan's Police between Centralization and Devolution

[pdf], Norwegian Institute of International Affairs via the Human Security Gateway, 16 July 2010

EXCERPT: "President Obama's long-awaited review of the Afghanistan conflict proposed a ?civilian surge? for Afghanistan, and the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act ? better known as the Kerry-Lugar-Berman Bill ? explicitly ties security aid to progress in emancipating Pakistan's...

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