Archives for 26 October 2010

Karachi Arrests Reveal the Spread of Extremist Groups

Karachi-Pakistan-mapPakistan Arrest Shows New Terror Ties, The Wall Street Journal, 26 October 2010

EXCERPT: "The recruitment of a teenage alleged terrorist in this teeming port city [Karachi] reveals the growing cooperation and spread of the web of extremist groups in the region. On Monday, 14-year-old Mohammad Salaam and two alleged members of the Pakistan Taliban, an extremist group locked in a two-year-old war with the Pakistani state, were arrested...

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N. Waziristan Offensive Only when Other Areas Stabilized: Pakistani Military

Pakistan-flag Pakistan Says Time Not Right for Anti-Taliban Assault, Reuters, 26 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan will consider mounting an anti-Taliban offensive in North Waziristan only when other tribal areas are stabilized, a senior military officer said on Tuesday, a position likely to anger ally Washington. Pakistan has resisted mounting U.S. pressure to launch a major operation in North Waziristan to eliminate the Haqqani Taliban faction, one of...

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Amnesty International Urges Govt to Investigate Balochistan Killings

Balochistan-pakistan Pakistan Urged to Investigate Murder and Torture of Baloch Activists, Amnesty International, 26 October 2010

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani government must investigate the torture and killings of more than 40 Baloch leaders and political activists over the past four months, Amnesty International said today. Activists, politicians and student leaders are among those who have been targeted in enforced disappearances, abductions, arbitrary arrests...

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Pakistan-flag Pakistan Ranked 34th Most Corrupt Country in 2010, GEO, 26 October 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan's decline continues in Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) and now its Index Score is 2.3 against 2.4 in 2009, and out of 178 countries, its ranking as most corrupt country has slipped 7 ranks, from 42 in 2009 to 34 most corrupt country in 2010. [...] Syed Adil Gilani, Chairman TI Pakistan said in last two years there have been unprecedented...

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