Possibility of Militants Infiltrating India, Pakistan: Indian Military Official
21 March 2011
"With the United States withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan there was possibility of Jihadis and Talibans infiltrating into India and Pakistan, a senior official of the Indian Air Force said today. 'With the US withdrawing its forces from Afghanistan, Jihadis and Talibans infiltrating into India and Pakistan cannot be ruled out', Air Commodore Arjun Subramaniam, air headquarters, New Delhi, said today. 'If that happens, Taliban can get back to...
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Pakistan's Social Media Landscape: Analysis
21 March 2011
"The ongoing unrest in the Muslim world has sparked increased discussion not only of the possibility of revolt in various places [...], but also the role social media and technology are playing in political movements in the developing world. Pakistan exhibits many of the traits noted in the countries currently experiencing upheaval; rising unemployment, pent up frustration and a teeming population of young people, trapped in a seemingly endless spiral...
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Politics and Radicalisation: Analysis
21 March 2011
"It is often stated by many western and Islamic scholars that Islam is not only a religion, it is also a blueprint for social order, governance and politics. It is therefore believed to encompass all domains of life, including law and the state. This is supposed to set Islamic polity apart from secular western states. In actuality, however, Muslim states have passed through a wide range of governance experiences, ranging from the caliphate to monarchy,...
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Taliban Kill Four "US Spies" in North Waziristan
21 March 2011
"The Taliban executed four more so-called 'US spies' who were accused of providing information that led to last week's controversial Predator airstrike in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan. Three tribesmen were shot multiple times in the Datta Khel area, and another in the nearby Mir Ali area, AFP reported. 'The bodies had multiple bullet wounds and were mutilated,' and notes accusing them of spying for the US were found pinned to their bodies,...
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