Archives for 27 July 2010

Afghanistan Questions US Silence over Pakistan's Role in the Insurgency

, Reuters, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The United States has pursued a contradictory policy with regard to the Afghan war by ignoring Pakistan's role in the insurgency, the Afghan government said on Tuesday, following the leak of U.S. military documents. The classified documents released by the organization, WikiLeaks, show current and former members of Pakistan's spy agency...

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Former Spy Held Hostage by Militants Demands Help

Pakistan-flag Kidnapped Former Pakistan Agent Colonel Imam Pleads for Life, The Guardian, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The former Pakistan intelligence agent known as the godfather of the Taliban emerged in a video today pleading for his life, four months after he was captured by an Islamic extremist group. One of the most famous former officers of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, Colonel Imam said his life was in danger unless the authorities...

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Leaked Reports Highlight Presence of Turkish Fighters in Pakistan

Turkey-flag WikiLeak: U.S. Battling Militants from Turkey, Its NATO Ally, Wired // Danger Room, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. troops in Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan in 2007 were persistently attacked by militants identified as Turkish fighters, according to the trove of documents released Sunday by WikiLeaks. The presence of Turkish fighters isn?t totally new. You can find sporadic references online, like this one from CBS in 2008....

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Following a "Spate of Targeted Killings", Karachi Begins Crackdown on "Criminal Elements"

Karachi-Pakistan-map Karachi Begins Crackdown on Criminal Elements, Gulf News, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Law enforcers are set to launch a new crackdown in Karachi to round up elements involved in a spate of targeted killings in Pakistan's largest city, officials said. Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malek met Sindh Governor Dr Ishrat ul Ebad in Karachi on Sunday and it was resolved to take stern action to curb violence in the country's financial...

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Former ISI Spymaster Denies Links to Taliban

Pakistan-flag Former Spymaster Denies Alleged Links to the Taliban, The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 July 2010

EXCERPT: "THE Afghanistan war logs make a former Pakistan spymaster, Hamid Gul, out to be a villain helping the Taliban and al-Qaeda strike at US-led forces in Afghanistan. But the retired general mocked the leaked intelligence while sitting in his spacious home in Rawalpindi. 'My name is going to go down in the history books as the 74-year-old...

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