Archives for 31 May 2010

Arrests Made over Mosque Attacks, Govt to Tackle Punjab Militancy

North-waziristan-map Arrests Made Over Pakistan Mosque Attacks, Times Online, 31 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Police have arrested seven men over alleged links to the Taleban militants who attacked two mosques in eastern Pakistan on Friday, killing 93 people, including a British businessman. Rehman Malik, Pakistan's Interior Minister, visited one of the two mosques in Lahore and promised to work with local officials to tackle the growing problem of militancy in Punjab...

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Haqqani Network Key to Afghan Peace Talks, Pakistan's Interests: Analysts

Af-pak-flag Pakistan Plays Long Game in Afghan Peace Drive, Reuters, 31 May 2010

EXCERPT: "An Afghan assembly touted by President Hamid Karzai as a homse-grown peace initiative is unlikely to produce a blueprint for reconciliation because the drafters do not include regional power Pakistan's Taliban clients. Heavyweights such as Pakistan's key militant asset, the Haqqani group, are not attending the June 2-4 'jirga', although Taliban...

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Govt to Invest in Border Areas to Tackle Militancy

200px-NWFP_FATA.svg Pakistan to Invest in Taliban Stronghold to Tackle Militancy, BusinessWeek, 26 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan, which has spent more than $35 billion fighting terrorism since 2001, plans to build roads and hospitals in the Afghan border regions in a bid to stem support for Islamic militants and bolster the local economy. Militancy and regional autonomy meant the government spent less than a fifth of its budget in the first half of this...

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No Consensus on Suicide Attacks among Pakistan's Deobandi Scholars

Jamestown-foundation-logo The Deobandi Debate Terrorist Tactics in Afghanistan and Pakistan, The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 28 May 2010

EXCERPT: "Muslim clerics following the Deobandi school of Islamic theology (named after the movement's original seminary in Deoband, India) are now increasingly associated with the Taliban and other allied militant groups in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though the parent Deobandi seminary in India has distanced...

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Key Taliban Leaders Rumoured Killed in Drone Strikes

Khyber-pakistan-map Top Link between Al Qaeda and Taliban Thought Killed in US Predator Strike in Khyber, The Long War Journal, 30 May 2010

EXCERPT: "A Taliban commander who serves as a key link to al Qaeda and who carried out the assassination of a former Pakistani prime minister is said to have been killed in a US predator strike in Khyber in mid-May. The commander, Ebad-ul-Rehman, is thought to have been killed in a May 15 airstrike in the Tirah Valley...

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