Archives for 10 February 2010

Govt Pursues Role in US-Afghan Talks to "Stem" Indian Presence

, The New York Times, 9 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan has told the United States it wants a central role in resolving the Afghan war and has offered to mediate with Taliban factions who use its territory and have long served as its allies, American and Pakistani officials said. The offer, aimed at preserving Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan once the Americans leave, could both...

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Fear, Poor Security Hamper Bomb Victims' Treatment

Pakistan-flag Security Fears Hamper Bomb Victims? Treatment, IRIN News, 10 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Four days after two bomb blasts on the same day killed 35 people in Pakistan's commercial capital, Karachi, injured survivors are still trickling into the accident and emergency department of the city's Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre. The second bomb went off outside the state-run hospital as it was receiving victims injured in the first blast, when...

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Suicide Bombing Kills Policemen, Civilians in Khyber Agency

Khyber-pakistan-map Pakistan Blast Kills Policemen, Civilians, CBS News, 10 February 2010

EXCERPT: "In a sign of the continued militant threat, a suicide bomber attacked a vehicle carrying tribal police near Pakistan's volatile border with Afghanistan, killing 17 people, including 10 policemen, said a local government official. The attack came on the day the country's top civilian security official told the Associated Press that Pakistani Taliban...

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Taliban Leader Confirmed Dead, Successor Speculation

, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 10 February 2010

EXCERPT: "Even before the death of Hakimullah Mehsud has been categorically confirmed, speculation is rife as to who would succeed him as the leader of Pakistan's most lethal extremist organization. Of the possible suitors to head Tehrek-e Taliban Pakistan, one name stands out -- Maulvi...

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