25 November 2009
'' [pdf], The British Council Pakistan, 21 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Today, the country sits at a crossroads. For too long, leaders have failed to grapple with deep-seated threats to our future, though there are welcome signs of a new willingness to invest in the next generation. The international community has also failed Pakistan, pursuing a myopic and narrowminded agenda that has not delivered any...
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Military Prepares Contingency Plan for Amnesty Lapse
25 November 2009
'', Asia Times Online, 25 November 2009
EXCERPT: "The National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), issued on October 5, 2007, granted amnesty to politicians, political workers and bureaucrats who were accused of corruption, embezzlement, money-laundering, murder and terrorism between January 1, 1986 and October 12, 1999. Two of the main beneficiaries were Bhutto and her husband, the current president,...
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Taliban, Al-Qaeda Links Growing Stronger
25 November 2009
'Links Between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda Have Grown Stronger', openDemocracy, 24 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Rahimullah Yousufzai, the well-known Peshawar editor of The News International, has been covering Afghanistan and Pakistan for the past thirty years. Rare interviews with Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar to his credit, he offers a deep insight into the evolution of the Taliban. Kaustav Chakrabarti spoke with him recently on the Taliban, terrorism...
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Seven Charged Over Mumbai Attacks
25 November 2009
'Pakistan Charges Seven People Over Mumbai Attacks', BBC News, 25 November 2009
EXCERPT: "A court in Pakistan has charged seven people in connection with last year's attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. They include the alleged mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi. Mr Lakhvi and the other suspects were charged under Pakistan's anti-terrorism act and criminal code. All seven have pleaded not guilty. A total of 174...
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Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: How Safe Are They?
25 November 2009
'', Institute of South Asian Studies // National University of Singapore, 18 November 2009
EXCERPT: "This brief discusses the safety and security of Pakistani nuclear facilities in the face of terrorism. It discusses US involvement in protecting the facilities and the steps Pakistan has taken to prevent their misuse or misappropriation. In his detailed report published...
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