US, India Revisit Warnings of Mumbai Attacks
09 November 2010
US Warned India of Threats in 2008, Not of Headley, Reuters, 8 November 2010
EXCERPT: "The United States warned India a few months before the Mumbai assault that a Pakistani militant group was plotting attacks on the city, but it did not have details about an American helping the group, the top U.S. intelligence official said on Monday. U.S. authorities were aware of David Headley, an American who has since admitted to scouting targets...
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US Aid to Pakistan Military Strains US-Indian Cooperation
09 November 2010
Pakistan Divides U.S. and India, Los Angeles Times, 8 November 2010
EXCERPT: "'Obama Mission: Billions to Pakistan, Billions From India' ? This screaming headline in the Times of India ahead of President Obama's visit to New Delhi explains why a quiet crisis is developing in what seems, on the surface, to be an increasingly promising relationship between the world's two largest democracies. Calling for a strategic...
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Six Local Taliban Groups in South Waziristan Merge with TTP: Interview
09 November 2010
Pakistani Taliban Enlist 6 Local Groups in Wana Region of South Waziristan [blog], The Long War Journal, 8 November 2010
EXCERPT: "Six local Taliban groups based in the western half of South Waziristan have joined the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, the spokesman for the terror group said. He also claimed that the top two leaders of the Pakistani Taliban are alive, despite reports of their deaths in US Predator strikes in early...
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