Swat Residents Struggle as Reconstruction Slow To Take Off
15 February 2010
Swat Residents Languish in the Ruins, The National, 13 February 2010
EXCERPT: "One year after becoming the unwitting subjects of a brutal but short-lived Taliban emirate within Pakistan, the 1.5 million residents of the northern Swat Valley are wondering when a concerted reconstruction effort will begin. In a series of interviews, residents, local politicians, businessmen, journalists and field managers for non-governmental organisations...
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President and Top Court Spar Over Judges
15 February 2010
Pakistan's President and Top Court Spar Over Judges, The Wall Street Journal, 14 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Political tension heightened in Pakistan after the Supreme Court struck down the appointment of two senior judges by the president. The dispute could further destabilize the Muslim nation amid a critical battle against Islamic militants. The latest confrontation between President Asif Ali Zardari and the court was triggered...
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Latest Bombing Unlikely to Derail India-Pakistan Talks
15 February 2010
, AFP, 15 February 2010
EXCERPT: "India and Pakistan will resume peace talks as planned, government sources said Monday, despite a deadly restaurant bombing and questions over whether Islamist militants were involved. As police scoured security camera footage of Saturday's blast at the German Bakery in Pune, western India, a government source in New Delhi told AFP there was...
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Evolving US Strategy Widens Assault on Terrorists
15 February 2010
, The Associated Press, 12 February 2010
EXCERPT: "In the early months of his presidency, President Barack Obama's national security team singled out one man from its list of most-wanted terrorists, Baitullah Mehsud, the ruthless leader of the Pakistani Taliban. He was to be eliminated. Mehsud was Pakistan's public enemy No. 1 and its most feared militant, responsible for a string...
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Bajaur Agency: The New Landscape of Insurgency in FATA
15 February 2010
Bajaur Agency: The New Landscape of Insurgency in FATA, The Jamestown Foundation // Terrorism Monitor, 12 February 2010
EXCERPT: "Amid conflicting reports that Pakistani Taliban Chief Hakimullah Mahsud has succumbed to his injuries after being targeted in a U.S. drone attack last month, there is also news that the deputy chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Maulvi Faqir Mohammad, has resigned from his position as TTP leader in Bajaur...
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