Threats of Anarchy over Blasphemy Case
26 November 2010
, AFP, 26 November 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistani Muslims threatened protests and anarchy if the government pardons a Christian mother sentenced to death for blasphemy, calling hundreds of demonstrators onto the streets on Friday. Demonstrators marched in the eastern city of Lahore after the most influential Sunni Muslim alliance in Pakistan urged the government not to grant mother-of-five Aasia...
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India's Need for Strategic Response to Insurgency and Terrorism: Brief
26 November 2010
The Need for a Strategic Response to Insurgency and Terrorism, Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, 26 November 2010
EXCERPT: "In the case of Jammu & Kashmir, the insurgency arose as a result of the complex interplay of several factors. Most prominent was the Centre's constant intervention in state politics to ensure that the demand for 'independence' is not raised and its viewing of any opposition as anti-national....
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India Marks Mumbai Attacks Anniversary
26 November 2010
Mumbai Attack Victims Remembered, Al Jazeera, 26 November 2010
EXCERPT: "India has marked the second anniversary of the deadly attacks on Mumbai with memorials, candlelight vigils and prayer meetings. Police were on high alert on Friday as security forces held a parade through the country's commercial city, while mourners gathered at the hotels, railway station, cafe and Jewish centre where the attacks occurred in November 2008....
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Police Foil Suicide Attack, Arrest Two in Islamabad
26 November 2010
, AFP, 26 November 2010
EXCERPT: "Pakistan said security forces arrested two would-be suicide bombers in the capital Islamabad on Friday, adding that the thwarted attacks targeted parliament and a mosque in an upmarket neighbourhood. Security forces launched a manhunt for others who may have been involved in the alleged plot, which officials said could have caused chaos in the heavily guarded...
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