US Adds Ilyas Kashmiri to List of Designated Terrorists
06 August 2010
US Adds Ilyas Kashmiris to List of Designated Terrorists [blog], The Long War Journal, 6 August 2010
EXCERPT: "The US Treasury Department has added a top al Qaeda leader and his Pakistan-based terror group to the list of designated terrorists and organizations. Ilyas Kashmiri, the commander of al Qaeda's Brigade 313 and the Lashkar al Zil military formation, was designated today as a terrorist under Executive Order 13224. Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami...
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Following Diplomatic Spat, UK, Pakistan Pledge Unity against Terrorism
06 August 2010
, AFP, 6 August 2010
EXCERPT: "The leaders of Britain and Pakistan on Friday smoothed over a row about tackling terrorism in the South Asian republic as they agreed to step up cooperation in fighting extremism. Prime Minister David Cameron had suggested last week that elements in Pakistan were backing the "export of terror", triggering a diplomatic spat. But...
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Govt Rejects Call for Army to Quell Karachi Violence
06 August 2010
Govt Rejects Call for Army to Quell Karachi Violence, DAWN, 6 August 2010
EXCERPT: "The government shrugged off demands in the Senate from two allied parties on Thursday for an army crackdown to put down violence in Karachi and ?deweaponise? the national commercial capital. Two senators of the Awami National Party and Science and Technology Minister Mohammad Azam Swati of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam called for handing over Karachi to the...
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Floods Seen Setting Back Recovery of Conflict-Displaced
06 August 2010
Pakistan Floods Seen Setting Back Recovery of Conflict-Displaced by Years, AlertNet, 6 August 2010
EXCERPT: "First they fled the Taliban, then the military and now the worst flooding in nearly a century. More than two-thirds of the 2.7 million people forced from their homes last year by fighting between the army and Taliban insurgents in northwest Pakistan had recently gone back, according to U.N. estimates. But aid workers said...
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Al-Qaeda's Ambitions in Pakistan: Changing Goals, Changing Strategies
06 August 2010
Al-Qaeda's Ambitions in Pakistan: Changing Goals, Changing Strategies, The Jamestown Foundation // Global Terrorism Monitor, 5 August 2010
EXCERPT: "President Obama's Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, by defining a goal of 'disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al-Qaeda,' on the one hand gives direction to this otherwise directionless war, and on the other emphasizes targeting al-Qaeda over all other anti-terrorism efforts (Associated Press...
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