Archives for Arms

Pakistan "Evidently is Increasing its Capabilities" of Nuclear Deterrence in Case of Indian Response to Terror Attacks

Pakistan's test launch last month of a new short-range ballistic missile, when added to its quickly growing arsenal of lower-power nuclear weapons, indicates the South Asian country is seriously readying to use its nuclear deterrent should war break out again with India, the Times of India reported on Sunday. Federation of American Scientists Nuclear Information Project Director Hans Kristensen said the nuclear-capable Hatf 9 missile appears to be...

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"New Heights" in China-Pakistan Relations: Analysis

"Pakistan’s ambassador to China used a recent celebration of his country’s Republic Day to give a rhetoric-filled talk about Beijing-Islamabad relations. If March 23, 1940, was the day the Muslim League decided to establish Pakistan, then the anniversary would be a time to declare that relations with China will define the way forward. 'We shall take our bilateral relations to new heights,' Masood Khan proclaimed. [...] Pakistan has been...

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China Committed to Pakistan's Nuclear Plant Expansion

"China is committed to controversial plans to expand a Pakistan nuclear power plant using 1970s technology, experts say, even after Japan's crisis triggered global alarm about atomic safety. [...] But neither Beijing nor Islamabad is likely to cut short their nuclear embrace. China's nuclear ties with long-standing partner Pakistan have triggered unease in Washington, Delhi and other capitals worried about Pakistan's history of spreading nuclear...

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Pakistan and the FMCT: Analysis

"In its first meeting of the year, the Conference on Disarmament (CD) again fell prey to Pakistan’s opposition to the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT). The resolution on the ‘Programme of Work’ for the commencement of negotiations could not be agreed since the 64-member CD works on consensus. Pakistan’s principal opposition is on the issue of stocks of fissile material, which the treaty in its present form does not...

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Pakistan's Nuclear Bayonet: Herald Exclusive Analysis

EXCERPT: "In an enthusiastic moment, Napoleon is said to have remarked: 'Bayonets are wonderful! One can do anything with them except sit on them!' Pakistan’s political and military establishment glows with similar enthusiasm about its nuclear weapons. Following the 1998 nuclear tests, it saw 'The Bomb' as a panacea for solving Pakistan’s multiple problems. It became axiomatic that, in addition to providing total security, 'The Bomb' would...

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