Military's Influence Hinders Political Progress

19 July 2010

Pakistan-flag To Spite Zardari, Pakistan Military Foiled Peace Talks, Hindustan Times, 10 July 2010

EXCERPT: "When the prime ministers of India and Pakistan met in Thimpu in early May, Yousuf Raza Gilani indicated he had the full support of Pakistan's military to resume the dialogue with India. But by the time the foreign ministers of the two countries met in mid-July, the men in khaki had become opposed to any dialogue. Three developments, say sources in both countries, led them to change their minds. The first was the political resurgence of President Asif Ali Zardari. [...] Second was David Coleman Headley's testimony.[...] Third was the attack by the Punjabi Taliban on the Data Durbar shrine in Lahore on July 1.[...] New Delhi now has a clearer understanding that the military remains directly and forcefully involved in running the show in Islamabad, admit officials, especially when it comes to relations with India. The military's political games at home, however, mean dialogue will not be high on its priority list and make medium-term prospects for the Indo-Pakistan peace process bleak."

Read the full story.

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