US Strategy Review Cites Afghan Gains, Concludes Withdrawal Can Start in July

16 December 2010

, The New York Times, 16 December, 2010

EXCERPT: "A review of President Obama's strategy for the war in Afghanistan concludes that American forces can begin withdrawing on schedule in July, despite finding uneven signs of progress in the year since the president announced the deployment of an additional 30,000 troops, according to a summary made public Thursday. The summary said the United States continues to kill leaders of Al Qaeda  and diminish its capacity to launch terrorist attacks from the region. It cited some signs that the United States and its allies have halted or reversed inroads by the Taliban  in Afghanistan and strengthened the ability of Afghan forces to secure their country, but acknowledged that the gains are fragile and could be easily undone unless more progress is made towards hunting down insurgents operating from havens in neighboring Pakistan."

Read the full .
Read the official overview.

Related articles:
, The Washington Post, 16 December 2010
, Foreign policy // The AfPak Channel, 16 December 2010
Pentagon shifting Afghanistan war strategy to "shoot more bad guys"?, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 December 2010
Afghanistan: Taliban body count a poor measure of success, Human Rights Watch, 15 December 2010
, The New York Times, 15 December 2010
, The New York Times, 15 December 2010

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