Canadian Special Forces Actions in Afghanistan Probed

14 September 2010

CanadaSpecial Forces Actions in Afghanistan Probed, CBC News, 13 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Canada's Defence Department quietly began a major inquiry into the Afghanistan operations of the military's elite special forces unit two years ago, CBC News has learned. The investigation began in 2008 after a member of the highly secretive task force, known as Joint Task Force 2 or JTF2, raised serious allegations against another member of the force and the force in general, the military has confirmed. The allegations centred on events that took place between 2005 and 2008, said navy Capt. David Scanlon, but he would provide no details about them.The investigation, called Sand Trap I, ended after a few months with no charges laid, but the probe sparked a larger investigation into broader allegations. That investigation, called Sand Trap II, is still underway. CBC News has learned the handling of detainees may have triggered the initial investigation, although the current probe is much wider than that."

Read the full story.

Related articles:
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Reports of special forces probe troubling: Opposition, CBC News, 14 September 2010
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, Toronto Star, 13 September 2010

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