'NATO Directive Followed By Drop Of Afghan Civilian Deaths: Data', Canada.com, 27 August 2009
EXCERPT: "The number of civilian deaths caused by NATO this year has plummeted more than 80 per cent since the alliance's new Afghan commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, issued a stern "tactical directive" to his 68,000 troops at the end of June, ordering them to take much greater care to avoid civilian casualties when fighting the Taliban. The previously classified data, which was supplied by NATO, also indicated that civilian casualties caused by the Taliban had increased about 20 per cent during the same period. The Taliban had killed 245 Afghan civilians during the past two months, while NATO forces had killed 19, according to the alliance's tabulations. The difference between the Taliban and NATO's International Security Assistance Force's casualty figures was starkest during last week's presidential election. The Taliban were responsible for 45 civilian deaths during the seven days before and after the ballot while NATO forces killed no Afghan civilians."
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See also:
'', AFP, 27 August 2009
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