Expansion Of Security Forces Fraught With Challenges

25 March 2009

Afghanistan 'Expansion Of Security Forces Fraught With Challenges', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 25 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The Afghan National Police (ANP) and the Afghan National Army (ANA) have effectively taken over all security responsibilities in the 16 police districts of Kabul. Despite sporadic violence and numerous complaints about police corruption, residents appear to be content with the overall security the sprawling capital city. The creation of disciplined and well-trained Afghan security forces capable of quelling insurgency and providing security has been a key topic of debate as Washington prepares to release the findings of its strategic review for Afghanistan. Recent reports fueled that debate by suggesting that the number of Afghan security forces could be more than doubled to as much as 400,000. But sustaining such numbers and using them effectively could prove extremely challenging."

To continue reading the article, click here.

See also:
'The problems with a larger Afghan security force', Spectator, 24 March 2009
'', China View, 24 March 2009
'Afghan population needs to feel secure, former forces commander says', The Montreal Gazette, 24 March 2009
'Canada seeing success in programs to help police reform in Afghanistan', The Globe and Mail, 23 March 2009
'', The Washington Independent, 19 March 2009

Related posts:
'Creating effective Afghan security forces', 12 March 2009
'NATO to let Afghan troops to take lead on searches', 14 January 2009
'Pentagon: Afghan army growing at record pace', 12 November 2008
'UN says Afghan security worse, more police needed', 26 September 2008
'US calls on NATO allies to fund Afghan army growth', 19 September 2008


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