Canada Wants "Frank" Talks On NATO In Afghanistan

16 February 2009

Canada 'Canada Wants "Frank" Talks On NATO In Afghanistan', Reuters India, 16 February 2009

EXCERPT: "The struggling effort to defeat the Taliban and bring security to Afghanistan means it is time for a "frank discussion" about the future of NATO, Canada's defence minister said on Monday. In comments that are likely to aggravate some NATO partners, Peter MacKay told an audience in London that all alliance members needed to pull their weight otherwise the 60-year-old security pact faced an existential crisis. NATO defence ministers are due to meet in Krakow, Poland, for informal meetings on Feb. 19-20. MacKay said he would use the meeting to hammer home the importance of all 26 members fulfilling their obligations to the organisation. In the past, criticism like MacKay's has been a veiled reference to the need for Germany, France and other major NATO states to step up contributions, bringing them into line with those made by Britain, Italy, Canada and the United States."

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See also:
'', The Globe and Mail, 16 February 2009
'', The Canadian Press, 16 February 2009
'Canadians helping to improve Afghan army',, 15 February 2009
'Canada defends rising Afghan costs as crisis bites', Reuters, 10 February 2009

Related posts:
'Surge of troops "needed for five years": NATO commander', 9 February 2009
'Surging towards stalemate', 7 January 2009
'Violence in Afghanistan to worsen: Canadian general', 16 December 2008
'NATO's political will "wavering" in Afghanistan', 20 October 2008
'Canada's engagement in Afghanistan - Setting a course to 2011', 16 June 2008


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