Rights Groups To Appeal Canada's Afghan Detainees Ruling

01 April 2008

Canada'Rights Groups To Appeal Afghan Detainees Ruling', The Globe and Mail, 2 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Taliban fighters taken prisoner by Canadian troops in Afghanistan may be denied rights they would have if captured by British or U.S. forces, rights groups said yesterday [2 April 2008] as they announced an of a Federal Court . The case, which seems likely to end up in the Supreme Court of Canada, may determine whether the Constitution marches alongside Canadian troops waging war overseas. Amnesty International and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association say that a ruling last month by Madam Justice Anne Mactavish "failed to acknowledge the Charter and international law obligations to prevent torture or ill treatment of prisoners" even after they are turned over to Afghan authorities. Canadian handovers of detainees were stopped in November when compelling evidence of torture was found on a visit by Canadian diplomats to an Afghan prison. Prisoner transfers resumed three months later after yet another increase in monitoring arrangements and further promises from Kabul that abuse would stop and allegations of torture would be thoroughly investigated."

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Related posts:
'Not our job to show jails free of torture, Ottawa will argue', 6 March 2008
'Canadian military resumes transfer of detainees', 29 February 2008
'Detention in Afghanistan: The need for an integrated plan', 22 February 2008
'Canadian-transferred Afghan prisoners tortured - Report', 22 January 2008


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