Insurgency, Corruption Constrain Pakistan's Efforts against Afghan Drugs: UN

23 June 2010

[pdf], United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, June 2010

EXCERPT: "Pakistan is geographically vulnerable to opiate trafficking; UNODC estimates that approximately 40% of Afghanistan's heroin/morphine (150 mt) transits or is consumed in Pakistan. More Afghan opiates pass through Pakistan than any other country bordering Afghanistan. Controlling this border is a major challenge; [...] The most important points for all trade, both licit and illicit, on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border are the Torkham crossing in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Chaman checkpoint in Balochistan province. [...] The biggest vulnerability, however, is Pakistan's immediate proximity to heroin processing zones in Afghanistan, notably the adjoining provinces of Hilmand, Nimroz and Kandahar.[...] As in neighbouring Afghanistan, drugs in Pakistan are inseparably entangled with corruption and insecurity. Currently, Pakistan's efforts against the trafficking of Afghan opiates (and the cultivation of opium poppy) are constrained by a major cross-border insurgency and the threat of violent extremism, which has monopolized the attention of law enforcement agencies. One example is the restive Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) which was opium poppy-free for several years until 2003/2004, but where there has been a re-expansion of cultivation."

Read the full [pdf].


Drug Trafficking Routes in Pakistan, World Drug Report 2010

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