, The New York Times, 4 February 2010
EXCERPT: "The way the Taliban use Pakistan's tribal areas to launch cross-border attacks inside Afghanistan is perhaps the most contentious issue between Pakistan and the United States. But the problem is hardly contained to Pakistan's lawless tribal areas. Gaping holes in security checks along the border also remain at heavily trafficked crossings, like this one, in Baluchistan Province, where, American officials say, the Taliban's leaders have taken refuge, out of reach of American and NATO forces. The Chaman crossing ? marked on the Pakistani side by the three-story Friendship Gate ? should presumably be among the most secure in the country: it is the sole crossing between Kandahar, the birthplace of the Afghan Taliban, and Baluchistan, which is, according to American officials, home to Taliban commanders who control many Afghan fighters. But Taliban fighters ? anyone, really ? can cross and smuggle weapons and drugs, underscoring the challenge to the American war effort in Afghanistan, for which the border presents a much firmer barrier, as Pakistan does not allow NATO or American military forces to cross."
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Related articles:
Pakistan passport forgers fool the world, Earth Times, 27 January 2010
Chaman border crossing closed to NATO traffic [blog], The Long War Journal, 9 September 2009
Securing the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, Asia Society, 10 December 2008
Pakistan, Afghanistan to adopt joint border control mechanism, Thaindian, 9 June 2008
Related reports:
[pdf], Congressional Research Service, 21 November 2008
Afghanistan, Pakistan: The battle-space of the border, STRATFOR, 14 October 2008
Pakistan's broken border, Council on Foreign Relations, 29 January 2007
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