Afghan President Considers April Election

25 February 2009

Afghanistan 'Afghan President Considers April Election', VOA News, 25 February 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghan President Hamid Karzai is considering holding presidential elections in April, four months earlier than an election date set by the country's Independent Election Commission. Afghanistan's constitution requires that the presidential election be held by April 21, one month before Mr. Karzai's five-year term expires. Last month, Afghan election chief, Azizullah Lodin, said the commission decided to reschedule the vote for August to give incoming U.S. forces time to stabilize the country. But opposition leaders have insisted that Mr. Karzai step down when his term expires in May and install a caretaker government."

To continue reading the article, click here.

See also:
'', Financial Times, 25 February 2009
'Afghans brave poor security to register vote', Reuters UK, 25 February 2009
'NATO confident of Afghan election reinforcements', Reuters India, 23 February 2009

Related posts:
'NATO to back Afghani polls', 19 February 2009
'Taliban strategy aims to cut NATO logistics, undermine elections', 5 February 2009
'Afghanistan at critical point, elections at risk: IISS', 27 January 2009
'Afghans to Karzai: You failed us', 22 October 2008
'Afghanistan's readiness to vote debated', 25 July 2008

  • Elections
  • Governance

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